Tuesday 27 November 2007

Tuesday 27th

Well, I have had a very busy day today.  An early start with breakfast with a young brother and sister. Dim Sum ~ not really my usual breakfast, I normally have a couple of Weetbix, but it was very nice, and I certainly enjoyed spending time with these young Christians and talking to the about serving the Lord.

We then went onto the church building where it was arranged to conduct a study for the day.  I taught for a total of 4 hours - we all were exhausted, but I think all got a lot out of it.  The study was on the Old Testament by Characters.  The idea was to get to know the main characters and then we would be ale to build on the knowledge we have gained.

The main characters we looked at were:
Adam Noah Abraham Joseph
Moses Joshua Gideon Samuel
Saul David Solomon Elijah
Isaiah Jeremiah Daniel Nehemiah

At 3 o'clock I was brought back for a rest, well really to prepare for the study in the evening.  As I am telling the brethren here, I am here to work, and we are having some wonderful studies.

I think I will sleep very well tonight, happy to be serving the Lord.

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