Monday, 2 February 2009

If you were to die tomorrow?

I recently watched a video of Steve Jobs giving the 2005 Stanford Commencement Address and as part of his speech he brought up this thought.  Now while he was not looking at it from a spiritual perspective, he had some interesting thoughts.  Have a look here at his address.  

Here’s something for you to think about.

It is recorded that a Rabbi once said, "Repent the day before you die and since a man does not know on which day he will die, he will repent today lest he die tomorrow and thus all of his days will be filled with repentance."

If you knew you would die tomorrow how would that affect you day today, what would you change, how would you “get your house in order”?  What are the things you need to say to your wife, your children?  Who are the people you have to make up with?  What do you have to do to make yourself right with God?

Since we don’t know when we are going to die, maybe today is the day you need to do these things.

Think on it.    

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