Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Around Oklahoma

I must apologise for being a bit late with this newsletter, this week has been book-ended with sickness. Anne was ill at the beginning of the week and I got ill at the end of the week and am still suffering the effects of it. I guess the effect of the trip have gotten to both of us (“gotten” I’m not sounding American am I?)
As a result of the above we did not have a very heavy week. On Tuesday we went with Glen and Reba to “Bricktown”, the dining heart of the city, for lunch and then went on the art gallery that had a very good impressionist exhibit from Wales. There were works from Turner, Monet and Cezanne.
I spoke on Wednesday night at Edmond (Anne couldn’t come) which was very interesting. The brethren there have been sponsoring the work in Zambia for years and as I was born there it was very interesting to talk with them after services. On the way home from Edmond (about a hours drive) I could see a storm in the South - I was heading south! By the time I got near the Osburn’s the lightning was filling the sky. I was lucky, as the rain held off ‘till I got in, and then it bucketed down, it even started coming into the house. Then the power went off - what a fun night, at least we missed out on the tornados!
On Thursday night, Anne was feeling a bit better, so after she had spent the day with Dana Cutter looking at historic homes in OKC, we drove 2 ½ hours east to the town of McAlester where brother George Battey was holding a meeting. It was very edifying, the singing and the teaching were great. Anne really enjoyed hearing someone other than me speak! Afterwards a number of us went and had ice cream together - it was a fun time. We got back to Glen and Reba’s place about 1 p.m.! You really could go to a meeting somewhere around Oklahoma any day of the week in summer.

Midland Texas

I was down to speak at Midland this weekend. Anne, who had been feeling poorly was not able to travel with me, so at 5 a.m. On Saturday morning I headed off to Texas. People had told me how “far” away it was. I enjoyed the drive. I reminded me of the drive to Kalgoorlie. The country side is very comparable. The town of Midland is also like Kal., it is a mineral town (oil), it has wide streets with deep culverts in them, it is also in a very arid part of the country.

On Saturday night the brethren gathered at the Mike Oestmann house (where I was staying) and I showed my PowerPoint I have on Tanzanian. They were very interested. We had a great service on Sunday where I spoke at both services.

After the morning service, Mike took me out to see an oil well that his company is drill, it was fascinating to see all that goes into the getting of the oil that becomes our fuel, that we put in our cars.

I left Midland in Monday, and while I was pretty crook while there, the Lord was with me and I was able to get though it ok. Please pray for us.

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