Friday, 31 July 2009

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

We spent this week with Glen and Reba in Oklahoma city and had a busy time. We got in on Sunday night and Reba was organising a trip for Glen in the morning. We left at 5.30 in the morning to take a young boy to a singing school about 2 hours away. Glen and I were vert tired but we kept ourselves awake with bad jokes. We dropped Austin off and headed straight back. We stopped off at Macca's and had breakfast. Glen left his pack behind (he assures me it is not a man bag) but he didn't realize it till we were 2 hours up the road! The next morning we were up at 5 am! This time to take Jamie to the airport, the early mornings sure take their toll.
We worshiped at Whispering Pines on Wednesday night. They don't have a set speaker, rather they encourage each man to prepare a short 5 minute talk. It works very well and is most edifying.We went out on a couple of outings with the Osburns. We had a farewell lunch with Jamie on Monday, Carisha and her kids came - we had fun. On Thursday we went to the botanical gardens. Little Audi loved the "plants and flowers". We had lunch together and had a relaxing time before we went to Healdton for our next weekend meeting

Weekend Meeting in Healdton, OK.
Healdton is about an hour and a half’s drive south of Glen and Reba’s place. We were going down for the start of the meeting on Friday night. As we had plenty of time we decided to go on the scenic route rather than on the freeway. We we certainly took the scenic route! It was very pretty, but when we found ourselves on a dirt road and outside a hunting ranch, we realised that we might have taken a wrong turn. We finally made it to services about 5 minutes before the start time, so while it would have been nicer to have been there earlier.
The congregation at Healdton is an inspiration! While the town is dying, the congregation certainly is not! They have 2 elders and 2 deacons. They have many families, both old and new, a lot of new contacts. They service a large area, with a people driving up to 50 miles (80 kms). They meet together for lunch each Sunday and then have their afternoon services at 2.00 p.m. (so people don’t have to drive between services. We had a very good meeting and they were VERY interested in the Tanzanian was a real privilege to have been with these brethren. Strong friendships have been formed.

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